niedziela, 26 lutego 2012

Czakry 3.5

Preset "Czakry 3.5" for BrainWave Generator.
Binaural Beat FrequencyAudible PitchVolumeDescription
8.0 Hz100 Hz30%Past life regression [×]; More Lymphocytes, DNA repair (RAD-6) [SS]; Associated with Base/Muladhara chakra (Color=Red) (Body Parts=Adrenals, Spinal Column, Kidneys) (Effects=Physical energy, will to live)(Note=C) [OML]
9.0 Hz150 Hz30%Awareness of causes of body imbalance & means for balance[×] Blind person phantom touch reading (somatosensory cortex) [RA]; Associated with Sacral/Svadhisthana chakra (Color=Orange) (Body Parts=Gonads, Reproductive System) (Effects=Relationships/Sexuality) (Note=D) [OML]
10.0 Hz200 Hz30%Enhanced release of serotonin & mood elevator, universally beneficial, use to try effects of other mixes [MB]. Acts as ananalgesic, safest frequency, especially for hangover & jet lag. [EQ] Meg Patterson used for nicotine withdrawal. [MB3] dominant alpha frequency, clarity, normalcy, anti-convulsant, circadian rhythm resync, activate kidneys, raise body temp, more serotonin [SS]; Good when trying to correlate information by the subconscious - Sort of a waiting frequency while the subconscious does the work at lower frequencies. [RA]; Motor impulse coordination (Motor Control cortex) [RA]; Learning a foreign language [RA+PWM via DW]; Centering, Sleep Spindles, Arousal [EI-d]; Associated with Solar Plexus/Manipura chakra (Color=Yellow) (Body Parts=Pancreas, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Nervous System) (Effects=Spiritual wisdom, self-healing)(Note=E) [OML]; Increased alertness (caused by an increase in norepinephrine + serotonin & a decrease in melatonin), sense of well being & decreased pain (caused by increase in beta-endorphins) [RED]; Adrenal Stimulant [RS]; Significant improvements in memory, reading & spelling are reported (in conjunction with 18 HZ) [RUS via DW]; Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity [LUB via DW]; Treatment for closed head injury [HOF via DW]; 'Berger Rhythm' [BER via DW]; (used on) headaches [RS]; ligament healing [NOR]
10.5 Hz250 Hz30%Frequency for healing of body, mind/body unity, firewalking [×]; potent stabilizer & stimulating for the immunity, valuable in convalescence. [MB] Relaxed alertness, contemplation, body healing, mind over matter [SS] Lowering Blood Pressure [RA+PWM via DW]; Associated with Heart/Anahata chakra (Color=Green) (Body Parts=Thymus, Heart, Blood, Circulatory System) (Effects=Love of Life, love of self&others) (Note=F) [OML]
12.0 Hz300 Hz30%Centering, doorway to all other frequencies [×] ; frequency of earth resonance (Hercules - a researcher); Centering, mental stability, transitional point, time seems faster [SS]; To stimulate mental clarity [ESR]; Associated with Throat/Vishuddha chakra (Color=Blue) (Body Parts=Thyroid, Lungs, Vocal Cords) (Effects=Expression/self in society)(Note=G) [OML]
13.0 Hz350 Hz30%Alleged sphincter resonance (mechanical)(not good) [TB]; Associated with Brow/Ajna chakra (Color=Indigo/Violet) (Body Parts=Pituitary,Lower Brain, Left Eye, Ears, Nose, Nervous System)(Effects=Visualization, Conceptualization)(Note=A) [OML]
15.0 Hz400 Hz30%Chronic pain [MB]; Sound which bypasses the ears for sublimination (auditory cortex) [RA]; Associated with Crown/Sahasrara chakra (Color=Violet/White) (Body Parts=Pineal, Upper Brain, Right Eye)(Effects=Integration of personality & spirituality.)(Note=B) [OML]; capillary formation, fibroblast proliferation, decreased skin necrosis [NOR]
35.0 Hz450 Hz30%Awakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras
586.0 Hz500 Hz25%Associated with Circulation & Sex (Note=C#) [BH4]
7.831 Hz475 Hz30%Earth Resonance, grounding [×], "Schumann Resonance." [TS, ESR+HSW, MAG]; anti-jetlag, anti-mind control, improved stress tolerance [SS]; psychic healing experiments [ESR]; pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) [HSW]; Earth Resonance Frequency - 'leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spent a day in the country.' [PWM via DW]; reports of accelerated healing/enhanced learning - "the earth's natural brainwave" [MAG]

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